
زينه يسري طهبوب


Zaina Yusri Tahboub has 18 years of combined professional experience in the fields of community youth development along with extensive experience in the training, coaching and holistic healing field. She is honored to be a board member and a volunteer with five NGOs in Jordan and Canada while working on building her proprietary training material on self-development and self-care customized to the Arab culture in the Arabic language.

Following her passion, Zaina worked at the United Nations Relief & Works Agency (UNRWA) as a Project Manager at the Relief & Social Services Programme – Jordan Field Office after shifting her career from a Marketing & Human Resources Manager at Tahboub Holding Company.

At the international level, Zaina represented Jordanian young women in conferences on youth activism and business in Japan, Ireland, United Kingdom, Egypt, Italy and the UAE.  She was also honored to be part of the youth delegation accompanying his Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan to the United Kingdom in 2008.

Zaina has been recognized as a national youth activist by the Royal Hashemite Court and the office of her Majesty Queen Rania of Jordan for her accumulated years of voluntary work in Jordan (volunteered with 20 NGOs) and particularly for creating five social entrepreneurship projects between 2006 and 2020.

Zaina has a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Jordan; she is also a Certified International Professional Trainer, a Certified Parent Coach (PCI), holds a Diploma in Human Resource Management, and is a Certified Reiki Master, Pranic healer since 2006.  She is also involved in art and photography hoping to hold her exhibition one day!


